Monday, September 15, 2014

HDR mini assignments

ISO 100, f/22, ss 1/4
ISO 100, f/22, ss 1/15
ISO 100, f/22, ss 1
I chose the CV sign because it's a popular thing about our school, but I wanted to shoot it from a different angle.

ISO 400, f/22, ss 1/4
ISO 400, f/22, ss 1/15
ISO 400, f/22, ss 1
I chose the eagle because it represents our school, and it's our mascot.
ISO 400, f/22, ss 1/4
ISO 400, f/22, ss 1/15
ISO 400, f/22, ss 1

HDR notes

Sketchbook cover
My quote is "Live the life you love and love the life you live." I chose this because you should always live, love and laugh.
I chose all of the horse pictures because I'm around them almost all the time.
I chose the picture of my dog in the water because it's one of my favorite pictures and shows her personality.
I chose the pictures of the rings because I like taking pictures of rings.
6.20.15 is also the day that my sister and her fiance are getting married.
I'm usually known because of riding and having horses.
I really like the finished piece because the left half is somewhat organized while the other half isn't (like my life basically).

HDR examples

Personal list
1. My barn - I spend the majority of my time in my barn with my horses.
2. Pond - I have a lot of memories at our pond, such as fishing and canoeing.
3. Mountains - My house is at the bottom of the mountains, and they have always been a great feature of our property.
4. Mountainview barn - The MV barn is where I started riding 5 years ago.
5. Swing - I have a lot of memories on our swings with my siblings from when we were younger.
6. Road - I like the fact that our property is isolated from basically everything and the roads have leading lines straight to the mountains.
7. Field - Our field has a lot of good and bad memories from awhile ago and from recently.

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